
Bulb Boy
One gloomy night, Bulb Boy wakes suddenly from a frightening nightmare to discover that evil has overshadowed the Bulbhouse. His family has disappeared and there are horrid monsters lurking in the shadows. Gather the courage and use his glass head to save everything he loves. Find light in yourself!..
Dead by Daylight (PC) - Steam Key - GLOBAL
Dead by Daylight (PC) is an asymmetrical multiplayer survival horror game. A group of up to four survivors tries to escape from a nightmarish place where a supernaturally powerful killer tries to sacrifice them to a malevolent god.Dead by Daylight allows players to play both sides of classic sl..
Killing Floor 2 Steam Key GLOBAL
Killing Floor 2 (PC) is a sequel to a very popular Unreal Tournament mod/standalone product Killing Floor, developed by Tripwire Interactive.Killing Floor 2 is a first-person shooter pitting players against increasingly difficult waves of zombie-like Zeds. Plenty of weapons, game-changing Perks..
The Evil Within (PC) - Steam Key - GLOBAL
Developed by Shinji Mikami - creator of the seminal Resident Evil series -- and the talented team at Tango Gameworks, The Evil Within embodies the meaning of pure survival horror. Highly-crafted environments, horrifying anxiety, and an intricate story are combined to create an immersive wo..